Molly's Aroid Mix • 10 Dry Quarts • Case of 6 Units • US
$89.99 $179.99
Molly's Aroid Mix is a premium, soil-free potting solution, perfect for tropical and indoor plants. This premium potting mix is expertly crafted for plants including Ficus, Palm, Fiddle Leaf, Pothos, Calathea, Aglaonema, Monstera, Alocasia, Anthurium, Sansevieria, Philodendron, and many more. It's designed to provide an ideal environment for container-based plants that thrive in chunky, well-aerated, and fast-draining conditions. The mix is formulated to ensure it does not retain excessive moisture post-watering.

Product Details
- Prevents Root Rot and Over-watering: The chunky, well-aerated nature of the mix ensures quick drainage and resists compaction. This reduces the risk of over-watering and root rot, which can lead to yellowing leaves and brown spots.
- Free of Pests and Soil-borne Disease: Being a soil-free mix, it is a cleaner alternative to soil-based potting mixes and is free of pests, harmful pathogens, and commercial fertilizers.
- Stronger Root Systems and Enhanced Plant Immunity: Beneficial mycorrhizae and bacteria included in the mix extend plant root systems and improve nutrient uptake. These beneficial microorganisms also control disease-causing pathogens and promote natural pest-defense systems.
- Organic, Mineral, & pH Balanced: Over 20 organic and mineral ingredients, including coir fiber, calcitic and dolomitic limestone, coarse horticultural perlite, expanded clay, worm castings, orchid bark, coir chips, Bacillus pumilus, horticultural charcoal, Rhizophagus irregularis, and naturally-occurring micronutrients are mixed together to achieve proper pH balance.
- Extended Potting Mix Life: Molly's Aroid Mix incorporates durable and long-lasting ingredients that decompose slowly. This quality extends the period between potting mix replacements, offering convenience and cost savings while minimizing plant stress.